PMB’s agenda and 2016 budget

PMB’s agenda and 2016 budget
•President Buhari
SIR:The 2016 national budget is being awaited with a lot of hopes and enthusiasm because, it will be the first national budget to be prepared and presented by a different political party other than the erstwhile ruling Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP). The PDP has had the responsibility of crafting 16 annual national budgets from 1999 to 2015, leaving in its wake, mass poverty and high rate of unemployment.
Nigerians did not appreciate the place of annual budgets in their lives, because they felt none within the 16 years the PDP governed Nigeria and implemented their fiscal and monetary policies. Nigerians will be looking into the 2016 budget to see in real terms, President Muhammadu Buhari’s plan for economic revival and infrastructural renewal.
It is expected that the APC Federal Government will redirect the economy of Nigeria using the instrumentality of the 2016 budget to make our nation and its people a productive one, away from the culture of unbridled consumption.
Although, following the timelines prescribed by the prevailing legal framework on the budgetary process, the Fiscal Responsibility Act 2007, the government is already running late as the National Assembly has not been presented with the details of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) from where the 2016 budget will be derived from. It is expected that the trend on frivolous borrowing for recurrent expenditure would be stopped and the prescription of the Fiscal Responsibility Act 2007 on borrowing, only for capital projects and human development adhered to strictly in line with Part 10, Section 4 of the Act for all tiers of government.
The federal government will need a lot of planning to pull through the challenges of economic statecraft in the light of dwindling oil revenue. Advanced nations of the world use annual budgets to transform the lives of their people. This is achieved by ensuring that the capital component of the budget takes a larger chunk of their resources.
With the efforts the APC-led Federal government  has been making to re-kick start the infrastructural bases of Nigeria’s economy in the last three months, and the agitation by the business community and development analysts for the policy direction of the Buhari government, the 2016 budget should reduce consumption and promote development within the context of capital and recurrent budget matrix.
The Treasury Single Account (TSA) policy introduced and being implemented by the administration for proper and streamlined public finance management will enjoy an elaborate explanation in the 2016 budget within the context of the fight against corruption and looting of the public treasury. We expect better accountability in the management of Nigeria’s public resources through diligent planning and effective and transparent budgetary process. There should be no room for the annual budget of the Nigerian people to serve as a conduit for those in public office to siphon the commonwealth of the nation leaving in its wake mass poverty, ignorance and disease.

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