Don’t use me as scapegoat for your failure in office

Don’t use me as scapegoat for your failure in office
Don’t use me as scapegoat  for your failure in office
Below are excerpts from the open letter, dated October 26, 2015, by Chief Edwin Clark, replying former Special Adviser on Media to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, Dr. Reuben Abati, and other critics over his recent comments on the former president.
ORDINARILY at my age and position in life, I should not have to justify myself in a press controversy on my voluntary decision to quit partisan politics particularly when this personal and well intended act has come under unfair politicization of persons of mediocre temperament. For a couple of days now, I have been more bemused than angry by the not-so-funny, but, predictably, negative ingenuity of Nigerians, aided by an equally incredulous media, to create unpleasant things out of nothing. It has been a circus of those convinced that they have found a peg to hang their own, disloyalty, failure, shallowness and hatred unto, a ball to kick around, over my statement, not for the first time, that I was quitting partisan politics and my statement about former President Goodluck Jonathan, for reasons so obvious that I cannot understand what the orgy of self-flagellation is all about.
I still believe that former President Jonathan performed creditably well in various areas.  I am very proud of him and so are millions of other Nigerians. He was good in so many areas, and did many good things for this nation. He resuscitated the railway system that was comatose for several decades; he engineered a robust economy for this nation; he fought against Polio and Ebola; maternal and child health; he did much for the power sector upon which President Muhammadu Buhari is now building; he tarred more roads than any of his predecessors; he turned agriculture to agro-business, a multibillion dollar business; he built the Almajiri schools in the Northern parts of this country; he established new federal universities across this nation; he allowed for free speech across this nation, and did not mind when he was criticised or, even, abused; people were not arbitrarily locked up in jail or prison, as he truly respected the rule of law; he signed the Freedom of Information Bill into law, which was not done by his predecessors; he modernised the aviation sector; he convoked a National Conference that brought Nigerians together and proffered recommendations on how to better bind Nigerians together as one; he sanitised the electoral system of this country, unlike what we had before him, when elections results were announced without actually voting, when ballot snatching were rampant and common place, he brought transparency into the electoral process, when people could vote and the votes actually  openly counted without violence. Today he stands as the first African president to concede an election to an opponent, even before the final counts. There are many more achievements to his record, but because of time and space let me end here for now. These are all lasting legacies that he has left behind. He has certainly set a precedent for others to follow.
But no human being is perfect; only God is perfect. Therefore, to mention an area of former President Jonathan’s inaction may not be out of place. Every leader in this world has their fault. President Jonathan cannot be an exception. As the late British Prime Minister Harold MacMillan observed in his autobiography, politicians do not regret their mistakes because they can always explain themselves; but they never forgive themselves for opportunities they have lost. For instance, President Barrack Obama of United States of America is frequently attacked for not having the political will to deal with Israel over the Palestinian question.
This does not mean that he lacks the capacity to take action against Israel effectively or to deal with the affairs of the United States of America or that he lacks integrity. Several years ago, the entire Western world was being accused of lacking political will to deal with Apartheid South Africa. This did not mean any inaction of the Western countries by the rest of the world. It only means that President Obama and the statesmen of the western world had other considerations in their minds in the interest of their countries.
In keeping with my character I cannot say in private what I cannot say in the public.  I do not therefore, reject or disown Jonathan as my beloved political son.
My open support for former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
My support for President Goodluck Jonathan predates his presidency. It dates back to the period when he was the Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State. So for people who are thinking that I only knew Dr. Jonathan when he became the President or that I was one of his hangers on, I think there will be need to give them a little information. My relevance and leadership of my people as an elder statesman and a critical stakeholder in this Nigeria project far pre-dates Dr. Jonathan’s public life and presidency. I have been relevant in politics and I have served my people honestly and creditably well.  I became very close to Dr. Goodluck Jonathan when he was Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State. I was present in London when the late former Governor of Bayelsa State, the Governor General of the Ijaw Nation, Chief D.S.P. Alamieyeseigha (may his soul rest in perfect peace), was arrested in London on the prompting of the Nigerian government under President Olusegun Obasanjo because of his hatred for Chief Alamieyeseigha.  I had to cancel my flight to Nigeria at the London Airport when the news of the arrest of Chief Alamieyeseigha was conveyed to me by Ambassador Pereware from Paris. I went with a few well-meaning Nigerians to Essex where we had been informed that he was kept, but could not find him. We went to a few other places before we were able to locate where he was. I remained in London for one week with him to put in place machineries for his bail. I recall the large-heartedness of Lady Ann Iyoha who brought out the title deed of her property in London to secure his bail and also the magnanimity of another woman from Amasoma, the home town of Chief Alamiyeseigha in Bayelsa State.
When I returned to Nigeria, I went to Bayelsa State to meet with stakeholders to see that a peaceful transition of power take place whereby Dr. Jonathan who was the then Deputy Governor became the governor. Ambassador Godknows Igali became the Secretary to the State Government.
Of course, I openly supported President Jonathan not only as my son but also as the first person to emerge from the minorities of the Niger Delta as the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I had no choice but to support him and I have no regrets. My support is total and unyielding. If most of President Jonathan’s close associates and political leaders exhibited such support, by espousing all his achievements, rather than the pretence and betrayal they were engaged in, the story today would have been different.
It will be recalled that I had on several occasions openly criticised the former President in the press and in my statements for actions or inactions which were damaging to the President’s image while he was in office. When the President failed to check the excesses of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, which included his undue interference with the activities of the EFCC, I did not fail to speak my mind openly in opposition to the President. When the President did not deliver on his promise to complete the construction of the East-West Road, I did not fail to speak my mind openly.
I even told him publicly that he should not leave the South South people poorer than he met them. When the Governors Forum appeared to arrogate to itself powers that infringed upon those of the President in the Constitution of Nigeria with impunity, I did not fail to criticise. The press conferences and open letters I wrote which were carried and published by the various media houses are there to confirm this claim. However, with all these, my support for him was and still is total and unshakeable.
My relationship with Jonathan was not based on material gains
It is indeed most disingenuous to insinuate that my relationship with former President Jonathan was based on what benefits accrued to me. Far from the truth as I never benefited any material thing from President Jonathan in all his six years of President. With all modesty, I am at this age contented. I state publicly therefore, that I never sought nor obtained any contract, oil block, oil lifting allocation or financial gratification from the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) during his years of administration.
Similarly, I never solicited for appointments or special placements for any of my children or relations in any government or private concern on account of my relationship with President Jonathan. It is, therefore, ludicrous and totally ill-motived for these wicked and mischievous persons to sell to the public that my decision portends a plan to seek any special favours from President Muhammadu Buhari and his government, or to protect those gains which I acquired from President Jonathan’s government which never existed.
On the contrary, my public service in this country which spans over 60 years had given me the opportunity to seek the political, social and economic development of my people and Nigeria in general. I remain committed more than ever before to the economic, political and social emancipation of the people of the Niger Delta, South South, the entire minorities and the development and unity of this great nation. This was even contained in the congratulatory letter which I wrote to President Muhammadu Buhari, dated 3rd April, 2015.
My retirement from partisan politics
I am fast approaching 90 years and had been in active politics for over 60 years.  It came to me as a shock that misguided persons are trying to lose their senses over my decision to quit active partisan politics.
I was in the Niger Delta Congress (NDC), with the late sage Chief Harold Dappa-Biriye and late His Excellency, Chief Melford Okilo between 1955 and 1959. I was in Mid West Front (MWF). I was in the National Congress for Nigerian Citizens, NCNC. I was Secretary of the Zikist Vanguard, London in 1962.  I served in General Yakubu Gowon’s cabinet as Minister of Information with late General Murtala Mohammed as Minister of Commerce, General Olusegun Obasanjo as Minister of Works, Alhaji Shehu Shagari as Minister of Finance. Today, three of these persons have become Presidents of Nigeria. Apart from Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, the others are no longer in active politics.
I was a member of the National Party of Nigeria, NPN. I recall with heavy heart that most of the people with whom I played politics are either dead or have become politically inactive. Some of them are Makama Bida of Niger State, Maitama Sule of Kano State, K. O. Mbadiwe of Imo State, Fani Kayode, Tanko Yakassai, Dr. Ibrahim Tahil of Bauchi State, Adamu Ciroma of Yobe State, Alhaji Ali Monguno of Borno State, A. M. A. Akinloye, T. O. S. Benson, Dr. Okezie of Imo State, M. T. Mbu of Cross River State, His Royal Majesty the Olubadan of Ibadan, just to mention a few. Not too long ago, I found myself attending a PDP caucus meeting in Warri with young men who are grand children of my political colleagues. Today, I sometimes move in a wheelchair. I had intimated former President Jonathan that once the elections were over and he was sworn into office for the second term, I will leave partisan politics and retire to my village.
Thus, I recalled earlier receiving a request by a group with the rather uplifting name of “Think Nigeria First Initiative” (TNFI), for a courtesy call on me and to make me their Grand Patron. The name alone sent sensations of kindred spirit through me and I readily accepted. I responded, enthusiastically, naturally. It was in that context that I said that myself at the age of nearly 89 years, and having carried my passions of similar ideals with theirs for over 60 years, had decided that my energies needed a paradigm restructuring. This same position I had declared at Akure, Ondo State, on the 24th of August, 2015, at the meeting of the Southern Nigeria Peoples Assembly, SNPA, of which, by God’s grace, I am one of the Leaders.
I wish to refer here to the crude and unpolished language used by Dr. Reuben Abati against me that I would have still been a PDP card-carrying member if former President Jonathan had won the election. I do not know the background of Dr. Abati but for him to lie and devilishly imagine that I should have remained a PDP card-carrying member if President Jonathan won the election is satanic.
No reader of The Guardian Newspaper, particularly its Sunday edition, will easily forget the frequently provocative columns by Dr. Reuben Abati. As the Chairman of the Editorial Board of the newspaper and syndicated columnist, Abati had a freehand to write whatever he liked in his column and could also influence other news items.  I do not recall any favourable remark made by Abati all those years when he was the Chairman of the Editorial Board and syndicated columnist about the former President His Excellency, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, and the First Lady Dame Patience Jonathan.
If I recall correctly, they were always the butt of ridicule by Dr. Reuben Abati. In fact, he became so notorious and a fearless critic of former President Jonathan and his wife in The Guardian Newspaper that I had to draw the attention of my cousin, the proprietor of The Guardian Newspaper to his excesses. These vitriolic attacks on former President Jonathan and his wife only stopped when he was appointed the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity by the former President.
On his appointment, Aso Rock activities and Jonathan’s achievements were not sold to the people of Nigeria. Reuben Abati will recall the number of times when I called his attention to how he was being negligent of his duty as the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity by not defending President Jonathan against some of the scurrilous attacks against him and also by not promoting his image and the well-known achievements of his administration. My advice that a Publicity Committee made up of eminent journalists be put in place in Aso Rock and that media proprietors and senior journalists should be invited to Aso Rock were jettisoned by Abati.
Dr. Reuben Abati has risen to the defence of his last employer too late. He owes the former President apologies for his (Reuben Abati’s) failure to perform while in office. I should not be used as a scapegoat. I love Goodluck Jonathan and Goodluck Jonathan loves me.
I repeat again that I will like Dr. Abati to find out from his former boss whether I did not intimate him of my intention that I will leave active politics sometime in 2015 and return to my village after Dr. Jonathan’s re-election as the President of Nigeria. It would be recalled that only two weeks ago, the former PDP National Chairman, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, retired from partisan politics while celebrating his 80th Birthday. Although he is much younger than me, Reuben Abati and his likes did not feel offended. I repeat here again that I am very proud of my family background which has produced some of the most illustrious Nigerians and that I do not shift ground or change position. I still regard former President Jonathan as my son. Since the change of government, we have been in close communication on the telephone and Jonathan has visited me over four times.
When I pointed to the former President Jonathan that most of those who surrounded him were not loyal, sincere or patriotic but mere opportunists. It is, therefore, unfair and unjust for Reuben Abati and others to accuse me for saying things against former President Jonathan while he is no longer in office. It is even more shameful that Dr. Abati who claims to be a cultured Yoruba man, a people who have great respect for elders, to go on this wild macabre dance to insinuate and say outright lies against an elder statesman of my age and standing. Unknown to him, more Nigerians know me as a person of strong principles and ideals than he and his likes can imagine. This is why their attacks on me have exposed them to more ridicules in the eyes of most Nigerians, than they would have ever imagined.

PDP leaders : Buhari, Judiciary, INEC behind our electoral woes

PDP leaders : Buhari, Judiciary, INEC behind our electoral woes
PDP leaders : Buhari, Judiciary, INEC behind our electoral woes
President Muhammadu Buhari, the judiciary, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the Department of State Services (DSS) yesterday came under fresh attack from the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) over the party’s recent electoral reverses in Rivers and Akwa Ibom States.
The PDP  accused  the Buhari administration of  politicising  and compromising critical institutions, including the judiciary, DSS and INEC,  for the purpose of  subverting democracy in the country.
The party’s national caucus, rising from an emergency meeting in Abuja on Thursday, where it reviewed  the judgements of the Akwa Ibom   and Rivers State Election Petition Tribunals, said the behaviour of the President and the ruling All Progressives  Congress (APC) constitutes  a huge threat to the nation’s democracy and danger  to its peace, unity and progress.
It did not spare the National Assembly which it claimed was being  intimidated  by the executive arm of government.
In a communique issued at the end of the meeting, the PDP  National Secretary, Prof.  Wale Oladipo, said the APC-led government has eroded  the  ‘gains’  recorded by the PDP in its 16 years in the saddle.
It vowed to  “vigorously resist”  the  “undemocratic tendencies” it attributed to the President.
It said: “The undue interferences by the executive arm of government in the activities of the judiciary, legislature and INEC, using the Directorate of States Services (DSS), is clearly unacceptable to the PDP as well as the Nigerian people and the party resolved to vigorously resist such.
“The PDP finds it offensive and provocative the judiciary’s handling of cases involving it in election tribunals in some states, particularly Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Imo, Taraba, Ogun, Plateau and Lagos.
“The conclusive evidence of external influence on the Rivers State governorship election tribunal is the fact that it was able to deliver its judgment within 24 hours in a case that had nearly 100 witnesses, 1,000 pieces of documentary evidences and nine counsel’s final written addresses; each not less than 40 pages.
“The decision, in view of the rather interesting history of the case, indicates that the judiciary, like the PDP and the Nigerian electorate, are victims of the APC-led Federal Government.
“The tainted judgments of these tribunals, which are evidently products of arm-twisting from the nation’s security operatives under the direct command of an APC member, remains unacceptable to us”.
The PDP also alleged clandestine moves by the APC to use various agencies of government to manipulate the upcoming governorship elections in Kogi and Bayelsa states, vowing to deploy every means within the law to resist the moves.
The APC, it claimed, is  steering the country towards dictatorship and asked the judiciary to restore its image by taking immediate measures to protect itself from political interferences.
Besides, it  said  the Court of Appeal  must  remedy the “embarrassing rulings”  by some election petition tribunals, particularly  those of Rivers and  Akwa Ibom states.
The PDP similarly called on President Buhari to stand up for justice and equity, and halt the undemocratic attitudes of agents of government in the interest of peace and stability.
It hailed its senators for walking out of the Red Chambers on Thursday  ahead of the confirmation of former governor of Rivers State, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi, as a ministerial nominee, saying: “We salute the courage and unity of purpose of our senators, especially as demonstrated in the Senate chambers on Thursday in their collective stand against impunity and corruption, in line with the wishes and aspirations of the Nigerian people.
“The PDP states that what the APC senators did at the ministerial screening  was a death knell on their party’s pretentious war against corruption.”
It wondered why “former APC governors are being rewarded with ministerial appointments” while those of PDP  “are being hounded and harassed in the selective war against corruption.”
A week ago, the Rivers State Election Petitions tribunal  voided the emergence of PDP’s  Nyesom Wike as winner of the April governorship election on account of the petition filed by the APC candidate, Mr.Dakuku Peterside.
The tribunal said the election was characterised by fraud citing the over one million votes recorded for Wike  even when the records showed that under 300000 people were accredited to vote in the election.
Wike denounced the verdict and vowed to take his case to the Court of Appeal and if necessary the Supreme Court.
A few days earlier,the Akwa Ibom Election Tribunal  had cancelled the results of the governosrship election in 18 local government area of the state .
It said fresh poll should be  conducted in the affected areas.

Saraki loses bid to stop trial at Conduct Tribunal

Saraki loses bid to stop trial at Conduct Tribunal
Saraki loses bid to stop trial at Conduct Tribunal
•Appeal Court says his case lacks merit 
•Senate President may go to Supreme Court
Senate President, Bukola Saraki, yesterday lost his bid to stop his trial before the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT).
The Court of Appeal in Abuja dismissed the Senate President’s appeal challenging the tribunal’s jurisdiction over his trial.
He is standing trial on a 13-count charge of false asset declaration before the CCT).
In a split decision of two-to-one, the appellate court held yesterday that Saraki’s appeal lacked merit.
Justices Moore Adumein (presiding) and Mohammed Mustapha resolved the six issues raised in the appeal in favour of the respondents while Justice Joseph Ekanem dissented on the issue of whether an official of the Federal Ministry of Justice was competent to endorse a charge in the absence of the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF).
While Justices Adumein (who read the lead judgment) and Mustapha dismissed the appeal, Justice Ekanem, in his dissenting judgment, upheld the appeal and quashed the Senate President’s trial before the CCT.
Since, by the tradition of the court, the majority decision forms its judgment, it implies that the position held by Justices Adumein and Mustapha forms the court’s judgment in Saraki’s appeal.
By the appellate court’s decision yesterday, Saraki’s trial will now proceed before the CCT on the next adjourned date of November 5.
The CCT had delayed proceedings to await the outcome of Saraki’s appeal.
Saraki had contended in his appeal that the charge against him was not personally served on him; that the tribunal was not validly constituted because two of its three members currently sit; and that the absence of a substantive Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) had rendered the charges incompetent.
He also argued that the CCT lacked criminal jurisdiction, was not a court recognised by the Constitution, and that it lacked the coercive power to order anybody’s arrest.
Justice Adumein, in the lead judgment, rejected all the arguments advanced by Saraki, including his contention that the CCT, being an inferior body to the Federal High Court, ought not to have proceeded with his trial despite an order by the court.
He held that Saraki’s complaint about not being personally served with the charge “was of no moment, having appeared and taken his plea before the tribunal.”
“On September 21, his counsel also appeared before the tribunal and made series of applications without raising the issue of non-service,” Justice Adumein said.
On whether two of the three members of CCT could form a quorum, Justice Adumein, though noted that there was a “lacuna” in the laws, held that “the Interpretation Act has becomes a helpful piece of legislation” by providing that a member of the tribunal and its Chairman could validly sit and conduct proceedings.
Justice Adumein upheld the argument by respondents’ lawyer, Rotimi Jacobs (SAN), to the effect that by the provision of Section 28 of the Interpretation Act, two members of the tribunal (including the Chairman) could form a quorum to validly conduct its proceedings
He also held that by the provisions of Section 174(1) and (2) of the Constitution, where there is no substantive AGF, any law officer in the office of the AGF could validly file charges.
“M.S Hassan, a Deputy Director in the department of the AGF is eminently qualified to initiate criminal proceedings.
“The Solicitor-General of the Federation, in the absence of the AGF, may perform any of the duties and shall have the same powers as are imposed by law on the AGF,” the judge said.
On the issue of the tribunal not being a court, Justice Adumein held that “there is no inherent difference between the tribunal and the court.”
He noted that “the terminologies and phrases used in the CCT Act, such as “arraignment”, “arrest”, “taking plea”, “guilty” and “conviction” are associated with criminal proceedings.
“The Code of Conduct Tribunal is a criminal court, albeit with limited jurisdiction,” he held.
“Having resolved all the issues against the appellant, I hold that the appeal lacks merit and it is hereby dismissed,” Justice Adumein said.
Justice Ekanem, who dissented on a single issue, held that the absence of Attorney-General of the Federation had made the charge to become defective.
He was of the view that the failure by M. S. Hassan (who endorsed the charge) to indicate who authorised him to file the charge in his letter to the tribunal seeking leave to file the case, rendered the charge incompetent.
Saraki’s lawyer, Mahmud Magaji (SAN), who spoke with journalists after the court had rendered its judgment, said: “We will be testing the veracity of the Court of Appeal’s judgment at the Supreme Court.”
Jacobs, who also reacted to the judgment, said the coast was now clear for the CCT to proceed with the case before it.
He said since there is no pending order staying its proceedings, and that since under the Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015 appeal cannot act stay, the proceedings before the CCT would not be affected should Saraki appeal to the Supreme Court.

Ministerial screening: Fresh plot to stop Amaechi thickens

Ministerial screening: Fresh plot to stop Amaechi thickens
Ministerial screening: Fresh plot to stop Amaechi thickens
•APC, PDP senators flex  muscles
Senators elected on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) are fuming over fresh plot by their Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) counterparts to stop the Red Chamber from approving the nomination of former River State Governor, Mr. Chubuike Rotimi Amaechi, as minister.
The PDP Senators are understood to have returned to the drawing board to restrategise after Amaechi appeared before the Senate on Thursday for screening.
Amaechi responded to questions from only All Progressives Congress (APC) senators, following the decision of the PDP Senators to abstain from asking him questions because, according to the Minority Leader, Senator Godswill Akpabio, “we have just received Senator Samuel Anyawu’s report on the petition on corruption against Amaechi.”
This sparked a war of words between Senate Leader Mohammed Ali Ndume and Akpabio.
Amaechi’s screening was delayed until Thursday on account of opposition by the PDP Senators.
Reports from their camp yesterday suggested that they are not prepared to back down from their opposition to Amaechi who defected from the PDP to the APC in 2014 and went on to play a key role in the defeat of the PDP in the last elections.
They are still bitter that Senate President Bukola Saraki ignored the consideration of the Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions report on alleged fraud against Amaechi and called him for screening.
The committee’s report, presented by Chairman of the panel minutes before Amaechi was ushered into the Senate chamber for screening, is said to have recommended that Amaechi be advised to go and clear himself since issues in the petition against him is in court.
It was also gathered that the issue of Amaechi was discussed at a closed door meeting the Senate held before the screening began.
The opposition Senators accused Saraki of breaching Senate rules by side tracking the report, and opted for Amaechi’s screening.
A reliable source in the Senate said: “It was the consensus that Amaechi should be advised to go and clear himself of allegations of fraud, according to the recommendation of the Ethics Committee.”
He added: “We believe that Amaechi should not have been screened in the first place.
“That he was screened does not give us a good image especially in the light of the fight against corruption.
“What impression have they created by screening him? What image have they given to the Senate? Are they saying that the petition has no merit?
“These are some of the issues.”
The South-South senator said that they met after plenary on Thursday to decide “our next line when the actual confirmation comes up next week.”
Their decision is to oppose Amaechi’s confirmation next week.
He noted that “Amaechi has only been screed in fragrant abuse of our rules but he has not been confirmed.
“We will still raise our voice to oppose his confirmation because his screening did not follow due process. The screening cannot past due diligence test.”
He said that “even if the Senate President does not mention the report whenever Amaechi’s confirmation comes up, we are going to raise the issue of the report and the consideration of the report because we have the right to be heard.”
But an APC senator close to the leadership of the Senate dismissed the PDP Senators’ move to frustrate Amaechi’s confirmation as a non-issue.
The North East lawmaker insisted that “when we get to the bridge we’ll cross it.
“We are not new to all these schemings and attempts to force back the hand of the clock.
“Do the PDP senators you are talking about have the number to block the confirmation of any nominee? Even if we go for division of the house, do they have the number to stop the confirmation of any nominee not just Amaechi?
“Politics remains a game of number and as at today, the APC has the ace in the Senate. Nobody can take that away from us. PDP senators or the party itself cannot stop the confirmation of any nominee because they remain the opposition in the chamber.”
He noted that the Senate could not have stopped the screening of Amaechi based on “mere allegation.”

History in Jos as church conducts mass wedding for 52 couples

History in Jos as church conducts mass wedding for 52 couples
History in Jos as church conducts mass wedding for 52 couples
  • Presiding bishop condemns same-sex marriage
Jos, the Plateau State capital, witnessed a mass wedding involving an unprecedented number of couples last Sunday. YUSUFU AMINU IDEGU reports the convivial atmosphere that characterised the unusual event.
Jos, the Plateau State capital, witnessed an unusual event last Sunday as a Catholic church joined 52 men with 52 women in a mass wedding ceremony involving an unprecedented number of couples. St. Moses Parish of the Catholic Church located in Tudunwada, Jos North Local Government Area, Plateau State, facilitated the tying of nuptial knots by the love birds who took turns to take marriage oaths before they were formally joined in holy matrimony.
The mass wedding was the first of its kind not only in Jos but the entire Plateau State. Of course, there had been mass weddings before that day, but none of them involved more than 20 couples at a time. The ring road that passes through Tudunwada community became almost impassable for motorists as the community where St. Moses Catholic Church was located witnessed the biggest crowd in its history. The road witnessed the most hectic traffic congestion ever as both the celebrants and their guests and relations as well as other road users struggled to wriggle their ways out of the snarl. Ironically, many of the new couples were happy that their wedding could account for so much traffic congestion.
Interestingly, all the couples had been married in the traditional way and most of them had lived together in marriage for years. Many of them had even raised children and were looking forward to their grandchildren. But they felt that their lives were not complete because they had all along shut Jesus Christ out of their marriage. Even in the church, there was a limit beyond which they could not rise because as far as the church was concerned, they were not officially married. Even the larger society mocked them, hence their resolve to take their marriage oaths before the congregation.
It was observed that many of them could not arrange for white garment wedding before they began to raise children due to their poor economic conditions. Because they could not afford the cost of church wedding, the husbands and wives agreed to go ahead to raise children while praying for the day they would have enough savings for church marriage.
One of the couples identified simply as Mr and Mrs Samuel, said: “As Christians, for everything we do in life, we ask God to take control of our plan. Ours is to have the plan, it is God that executes it. We also believe that God’s time is the best. We might have had it in mind to confirm our marriage all this while, but that did not come to be until today. So, we believe that this day is the day chosen by God for our church wedding.
“It is all for good because even without coming before God in marriage, God has been with us. God has blessed us with children. God gave us boys and girls, and we consider that as a huge blessing in our lives.”
Another couple, Mr and Mrs David, said: “All fingers created by God are not equal. Organising a church marriage in this modern life is not easy. But you must get married at the ripe age irrespective of your economic situation. So after our traditional marriage, we decided to postpone the church wedding pending when we would have sustainable income to sponsor our wedding.
“But we appreciate God for sparing our lives till today to make our plan real. Some were not lucky to get to this day, so this wedding is a celebration of our married life. It is about celebrating God for the number of children He has blessed us with. It is also a thanksgiving to God for our lives.”
Mr and Mrs Stephen: “It was a burden on our heads that we were not able to have our marriage confirmed by God. We feel so relieved today that we have taken that burden off our heads.”
According to the Parish Priest of St. Moses Catholic Church, “the essence of marriage is for a couple to live happily. These couples have had happiness in abundance in their lives since they have been together. They are happy and contented irrespective of their weak financial positions.
“So, marriage is not about money or expensive marriage ceremony. It is all about the couple being happy and contented with where God has placed them in life. So I see their holy sacrament today as a celebration of happy life, happy couples and happy family.”
Interestingly, some of the couples had to wait for their children to sponsor their weddings. They had struggled to train their children only for the children to grow up and realize that their parents’ marriage rites were not completed. It became a challenge to them. To them, their parents must have sacrificed the money they would have used for marriage to pay their school fees and feed them. So when the children discovered this, they picked up the challenge to pay their parents back by making sure their marriage rites were performed. The church has the record of members who need to complete their marriage rites. So it decided to set a date for such members. The chosen date was October 11, 2015.
Due to the importance the Catholic Church attaches to marriage, the oath is often conducted by the Archbishop himself. So on that fateful day, the Catholic Archbishop of Jos, His Grace, Bishop Ignatius Kaigama, was there in person to officiate. When it came to taking marriage oaths, he asked all the 52 couples to repeat some words after him, and they all did. The couples took the oath in chorus, exchanged the marriage rings at the same time and later signed the marriage certificates under the watch of the Archbishop.
Bishop Kaigama, who is the President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, said: “The Catholic Church will not relent in its support of procreation in the country, against the ideology of some societies campaigning against it. The 52 couples joined today is an unprecedented number in the growth of the family of Christ and the diocese. The sacrament of marriage also witnessed alongside the sacrament of confirmation of 217 soldiers of Christ.”
He added: “We, as leaders saddled with the responsibility to shepherd the flocks of God, the church would continue to support procreation in the world because the living God said we should go into the world to multiply and fill the earth.”
Bishop Kaigama expressed deep concern about the negative ideology of some countries in the world championing same-sex union and want to compel other nations in Africa and other parts of the world to legalise the same-sex ideology.
He said: “Let me use this opportunity to warn the rest of the world not to accept the ungodly ideology of same-sex.”
The Parish Priest of St. Moses Catholic Church,Wada, Jos, Rev. Father Joseph Mancha, who used the opportunity to eulogise the Bishop of Jos Catholic Diocess, described Bishop Kaigama as a true Shepherd whose selfless work is not just within the diocese but the world at large.
Father Mancha described Kaigama is an ambassador of peace, following his recent award by an Italian based reputable international organisation, Archvio Disarmo or Richerche International Institute as the recipient of their Golden Dove for Peace.
Mancha said: “This is the fruit of your local and international tireless and selfless efforts in building bridges and the consensus of ecumenism on the interfaith dialogue, peaceful co-existence and inter-religious harmony in the world.
“By this, we are proud to note that you have joined the illustrious company of great statesmen like Nelson Mandela, Perez De Cuellar, Jesse Jackson, Mohammed Elbardei and Jane Goodall in building a peaceful society in the world.”
Mancha stressed that the parish and the parishioners were blessed with the presence of the Kaigama, adding that the bishop had strengthen the spiritual growth of his people.
The newly confirmed couples marched out of the church to have their photographs at the end of the service. Most of them later took their guests to their family homes for reception as there were no enough parks or gardens in the city to accommodate them and their guests. Besides, it was obvious that most of them could not muster the funds to rent a park.
Included among the new couples were: Mr. Chrisantus and his wife Lucy; Mr. Jonathan and his wife Catherine; Mr. Thomas  and his wife Christiana; Mr. Kenneth and his wife Evelyn; Mr. Augustine and wife Mary; Mr. Bitrus and wife Josephine; Mr. Francis and wife Catherine; Mr. Ishaya & wife Patricia: and Mr. Bitrus and wife Angela.
Others were: Mr. Joseph and wife Margaret; Mr. Samson and wife Pekes; Mr. Raymond and wife Justina; Mr. Joefrey and wife Cecilia; Mr. Peter and wife Mary; Mr. James and wife Grace; Mr. Haruna and wife Charity; Mr. Emmanuel and wife Roseline; Mr. Williams and wife Esther; Mr. Bitrus and wife Margaret; Mr. Victor and wife Tabitha; Mr. Anthony wife Grace; Mr. Francis and wife Regina; Mr. Sunday and wife Rose; Mr. Peter and wife Sarah; Mr. Luka and wife Mary; Mr. Thomas and wife Esther; and Mr. Ernest wife Esther.
Also on the roll were: Mr. Godwin and wife Ruth; Mr. Isaac and wife Magdaline; Mr. John Paul and wife Hanatu; Mr. Thomas and wife Victoria; Mr. Daniel and wife Josephine; Mr. Lawrence and wife Grace; Mr. David and wife Charity; Mr. Samson and wife Mary; Mr. Theophilus and wife Antonia; Mr. Boniface and wife Tabitha; Mr. Yohana and wife Deborah; Mr. Cletus and wife Longret; Mr. Peter and wife Grace; Mr. Joseph and wife Abigail; Mr. Kefas and wife Charity; Mr. Moses and wife Ruth; Mr. Moses and wife Mary; Mr. Peter and wife Angelia; Mr. Raphael and wife Margaret; and Mr. Stephen and wife Gloria.

CPC storms DStv office over subscribers’ complaints

 CPC storms DStv office over subscribers’ complaints
…Carts away laptop computers, documents
Officers of the Consumer Protection Council (CPC) yesterday stormed the office of Digital Satellite Television (DStv), as part of their investigation into complaints by subscribers.
Led by the  Director of Legal Services, Mr. Emmanuel Ataguba, the CPC stated that its action was “in line with one of its mandates to provide redress for consumer abuse, commenced investigations into the operations of DStv based on a barrage of complaints of alleged consumer rights violations.”
The Council, he said,  took the step in accordance with Section 15 of its enabling law, which empowers it to “open and examine while on the premises, any container or package, which could help the course of its investigation as well as examine any book, document or other records found on the premises that may contain any information relevant to the enforcement of its Act.”
A statement by the CPC said yesterday’s action followed a barrage of consumer complaints alleging wide-range abuse of their rights. “These include poor quality of service, such as incessant disruption of service without compensation, wrongful disconnection of service during subsisting subscriptions, decoder swap irregularities and poor redress mechanism and customer service,” it stated.
During the visit to DStv, the CPC officials came with a warrant, accompanied by policemen and journalists.
Sources revealed that the CPC officials left with laptop computers and important documents about DStv operations.
It may be recalled that a hitch had developed in the CPC’s ongoing investigation into MultiChoice’s consumer satisfaction initiatives.
Daily Sun gathered that the hitch developed during an earlier scheduled meeting between the company and  CPC officials at the commission’s head office in Abuja. The breakdown was occasioned by CPC’s demand that MultiChoice hands over personal information of its subscribers as well as its exclusive contract in Nigeria.
The MultiChoice team, led by Managing Director, Mr. John Ugbe, was said to have drawn the attention of the CPC to the fact that the company owes its subscribers a duty to protect their personal information.
Dstv,  sources added, took time to explain that releasing sensitive information about subscribers, as requested by CPC, would amount to a breach of the trust subscribers reposed in the it when they signed up to its services.
MultiChoice representatives were quoted to have expressed readiness to cooperate with the CPC in its effort to ensure that subscribers obtain improved customer satisfaction, but rejected the demand that verges on violation of subscribers’ confidentiality.
The company had explained that one of the ways in which it provides  customer service to its subscribers is by keeping the information they have entrusted in its care.
MultiChoice, it was gathered, was also said to have explained that its exclusive contract contains non-disclosure clauses and wondered what relevance it has to an investigation into customer satisfaction.
CPC statement, however, said  the earlier meeting  was stalled when it received  a letter “from Multichoice Nigeria acknowledging the CPC request for additional information and asked for a six-week extension for the continuation of the investigation, claiming that the notice of the summons was short.
“The CPC declined the six-week extension request, countering the short notice claim of Multichoice Nigeria, and insisting that its representatives at the first sitting of the investigation were constructively put on notice to produce additional documents. In the interest of justice, the CPC granted a postponement for two weeks to Thursday, September 10, 2015. The sitting, which resumed on Thursday, September 10, 2015, was greeted by another request by Multichoice Nigeria to be allowed to have legal representation at the sitting, forcing the CPC investigating panel to, once more, adjourn sitting.
“On that fateful day, the Managing Director of the firm, Mr. John
Ugbe, led an eight-man team to the resumed sitting, wanting to appear as a group before the panel. This was turned down by the panel, which insisted that the summons sent to the company conveyed specific invitation to its Head of Operations and Customer Care, as well as the Head of Regulatory Affairs.
“Faced with the insistence of the panel not to change its course of investigation, the Managing Director of Multichoice Nigeria requested that the company would wish that its officers have legal representation. This was duly acceded to by the panel.”
The statement said the delay in the investigation “has left the CPC with no other option than to do everything within the law to ensure that consumers are saved the agony of an endless wait for the conclusion of the ongoing investigation.
terday in Abuja and lamented that oil producing communities have become increasingly impoverished and vulnerable to senseless exploitation and abuse.
According to him , the Niger Delta region made up of the existing 10 oil producing states are the most polluted places on earth. “The United Nation’s Environmental Protection (UNEP) report tstates that  Ogoni land, as in most oil producing areas, has lived with chronic pollution all their lives with benzene level 900 times higher than the recommendations of the world Health Organization, while the region has witnessed massive destruction of vegetables and agricultural land by oil spills,”   he said.
While demanding an immediate end to gas flaring in Nigeria, OMAPLAN stated that past administrations were not sincere with oil producing communities because they tacitly ignored persistent calls to enforce subsisting environmental laws and refusing to intervene and stop massive diversion of mitigation programs by the political class.
The association said they desire that government and multi – nationals deliver on their Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) to impact on most communities and take the issue of flaring of associated gas in Nigeria with seriousness it deserves.
“The toxic cocktail from associated gas flares pose serious health risks to local communities which are located within 30km radius, thereby affecting their livelihood and exposing residents of these communities to a variety of health hazards and an increased risk of premature death,” the association said.
Bishop Azogu explained that various mitigation schemes established by the Federal Government , including the Oil Derivation Fund Commission and Ecological Fund to address negative environmental impacts on local communities have only benefited the tiny but influential political class and the corrupt local elite.
He disclosed that the result were that vulnerable host communities continue to suffer the brunt of mounting environmental degradation and are ravaged perennially by severe health and ecological challenges resulting from prolonged exposure to dangerous emissions and radiations.
“These communities are defenseless before the tiny but influential political class who remained deaf to sustained and lawful agitations for justice and sometimes resorted to excessive repressive force to whittle down oppositions, “he said.
According to him the associations recognizes the efforts of some compliant state Governors who mobilize fund for development goal in oil producing communities through the states mitigation program.
They frowned that there is conspicuous absence of effective monitoring mechanism in these compliant states to ensure effective service delivery as Politician and the corrupt local elite continue to shortchange target communities.
Azogu said OMPALAN were optimistic that producing state Governors under the present administration would respect the laws establishing the 13 per cent oil derivation fund commission and other mitigation schemes to the letter.
He lamented that past federal Government administration were not sincere with oil producing communities because they tacitly ignored persistent calls to enforce subsisting environmental laws, refusing to intervene and stop massive diversion of mitigation programs by the political class.
Source: The sun

Seven killed as suicide bomber hits Borno mosque agai

Seven killed as suicide bomber hits Borno mosque agai
Seven killed as suicide bomber hits Borno mosque again
Less than 24 hours after a suicide bomber attacked a mosque in Maiduguri and killed 42 worshippers, another bombing occurred in the Borno State ca[pital city yesterday, leving seven people dead.
The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) confirmed yesterday that death of the seven people resulted from an early morning attack on a mosque at Molai, a settlement on the outskirts of Maiduguri, by three female suicide bombers.
The attack also left 17 people injured.
The spokesman of NEMA in the North East, Abdulkadir Ibrahim, said in a short SMS he sent to our correspondent: “At Umarari Bayan Waya, at some minutes past 5 am today (yesterday), the suicide attack was carried out by three female suicide bombers.
“Seventeen casualties were taken to specialist hospital, seven deaths including the suicide bombers,” Abdulkadir informed.
In his account, the village Head of Molai , Alhaji Balama Bako, said the female bombers walked confidently into the mosque at about 5.30 am and detonated the IEDs, killing seven, including the three of them.
Gov. Kashim Shettima with the Director General of NEMA, Sani Sidi, went on a sympathy visit to Molai community and other parts of the metropolis to visits the victims of terror.
No fewer than 42 worshippers were killed Thursday when two suicide bombers blew themselves up in another mosque in the northeastern Nigerian city.
All the people in the mosque were said to have died.

War against Boko Haram now in decisive phase —COAS

War against Boko Haram now in decisive phase —COAS
War against Boko Haram now in decisive phase —COAS
The Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen TY Buratai, yesterday declared a new phase in the pursuit of Boko Haram insurgents.
In a message addressed to all troops serving under his command in the military’s ‘Operation Dole’ in the North East, Lt Gen. Buratai asserted that the battle will enter a new phase within the next few days.
According to Army spokesman, Col. Sani Kukasheka Usman, the make-or-mar nature of the new phase of the war will have “huge implications” for Nigeria.
Buratai said: “The next few days will be crucial to Operation Lafiya Dole. It is also crucial to our country Nigeria.
“Our sovereignty as a nation is threatened. The Nigerian Army and indeed the military, as the symbol of our nationhood, is being challenged.
“Our ability to stand and defeat the Boko Haram terrorists in the next few weeks will determine the future of our country.
“We cannot afford to lose the fight. We are better trained and better equipped.”
Noting that the entire citizenry is anxious to see Nigerian troops’ total victory over the insurgents, the Army boss emphasised that troops are duty-bound to ensure a final and decisive end to Boko Haram’s threat in Nigeria.
“The whole nation is behind us. Mr President is with us. Let us remain steadfast in this noble cause. Be courageous.
“We must degrade and defeat the terrorists. This job must be done.
“We must make our country men and women proud.
“If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man’s life, sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility,” he added.

Assets declaration trial: Appeal Court rules on Saraki Monday

Assets declaration trial: Appeal Court rules on Saraki Monday
Assets declaration trial: Appeal Court rules on Saraki Monday
The Court of Appeal in Abuja will on Monday decide whether or not the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) could proceed with the trial of Senate President Bukola Saraki on charges of false asset declaration.
The appellate court yesterday chose Monday for judgment in an appeal by Saraki, after taking arguments from parties in the case.
Saraki, who was arraigned last month before the CCT on a 13-count charge of false asset declaration, is appealing the tribunal’s decision to assume jurisdiction over his trial.
Listed as respondents in the appeal are the CCT, the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB), the Federal Ministry of Justice and a lawyer in the ministry, Muslim Hassan.
Arguing the appeal yesterday, Saraki’s lawyer, Joseph Daudu (SAN), urged the appellate court to set aside the entire proceedings before the CCT, including the charge before it.
He argued that the CCT was not properly constituted when it assumed jurisdiction to entertain the charges because it was made up of two members as against three, which is provided for in Paragraph 15(1) of the Fifth Schedule to the Constitution.
Daudu contended that the provision of Section 28 of the Interpretation Act relied upon by the respondents to argue that the tribunal could validly sit with its Chairman and one other member, was a contradiction of the three-member provision in the Constitution.
He also argued that the tribunal, not being a superior court recognised by the Constitution, could not exercise criminal jurisdiction.
Daudu said the CCT lacked the power to exercise the power of “a court to enable it to do some of the things they did which were exclusive preserve of a court with criminal jurisdiction.”
Daudu contended that an earlier decision of the Court of Appeal (per Justice Aboki in the case by ex-Vice President Atiku Abubakar) on which the CCT relied to assume jurisdiction over the case, was wrong.
He argued that the appellate court’s pronouncement in the Atiku case, to the effect that proceedings at the CCT were “criminal in nature,” was a mere obiter (a non-binding opinion).
Daudu also argued that the CCT is an inferior court to the Federal High Court, and ought to stay proceedings and await the determination of the fundamental rights enforcement suit filed by Saraki before the Federal High Court, Abuja.
In a counter-argument, respondents’ lawyer, Rotimi Jacobs (SAN), urged the court to dismiss the suit on the grounds it was based on “misconception and wrong interpretation of the law.”
He faulted Daudu’s prayer for the dismissal of the charge on the grounds that the panel of the tribunal was not properly constituted because two of its three members are currently sitting.
“Their prayer is at large. If they are contesting the proceedings of the tribunal of September 18, how does it affect the charge before the tribunal,” he said.
Jacobs argued that two out of the three members of tribunal could validly conduct proceedings by virtue of the provisions of Section 28 of the Interpretation Act recognised by the Constitution in its section 308(4).
He argued that the provision of Paragraph 15(1) of the Fifth Schedule to the Constitution dealt with the establishment and composition of the panel, it was silent on the number of the panel members that formed its quorum.
He faulted Daudu’s position that the argument that the Court of Appeal’s decision in Atiku Abubakar’s case was an obiter.
“The decision of this court (the Court of Appeal), cannot be an obiter. The Court of Appeal ruled that the case at the Code of Tribunal was purely criminal and Justice Aboki who read the judgment said I so hold, meaning that it is a finding of fact,” Jacobs argued.
Jacobs described as misconception, the argument by the appellant that without a sitting Attorney-General of the Federation, the CCB could not validly file a charge against anybody.
Earlier, Justice Moore Adumein, who presided, struck out the appellant’s application for stay of proceedings pending the determination of the appeal.
Justice Adumein said going ahead to hear the motion and write a separate ruling on it would amount to “a waste of judicial time” since the substantive appeal which would effectively decide the entire suit had been heard

Ministerial screening: Amaechi fights back

Ministerial screening:  Amaechi fights back
Ministerial screening:  Amaechi fights back
…writes Saraki, Senate panel  •Says I’m innocent until proven otherwise by court
A former Governor of Rivers State, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi, has written three letters on why the Senate should not stop his screening as a ministerial nominee.
He said the allegations against him were not only false but also made malafide with the intent to “solely irritate, embarrass and tarnish his hard-earned reputation.”
He said he should be presumed innocent until the contrary is proved.
He said since there are pending cases at the Federal High Court, Abuja and the Court of Appeal, any action by the Senate will be subjudice.
He asked the Senate to preserve its Standing Order which bars it from dabbling in any matter pending before a court.
Amaechi broke his silence in three separate letters to the President of the Senate, Dr. Bukola Saraki,and Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions.
The letters were written by his solicitor, Edward E. Pepple.
In the letters, he asked the Senate to “discard” the  petition against him by the Integrity Group  and the report of the Justice G. G. Omereji Judicial Commission of Inquiry.
Citing the case of ex-Vice President Atiku Abubakar, Amaechi said the Supreme Court had emphasized  that an indictment by the Judicial Commission of Inquiry or Administrative Panel is not an “indictment” or sufficient for the purpose of preventing a person from holding a public office.
The October 12 letter to Saraki (EW/GC/CRA/15/012) reads in part: “ It has informally come to our client’s attention that the Judicial Commission of Inquiry set up by the Governor of Rivers State, Chief/Barr. Nyesom Ezenwo Wike, to judicially investigate our client and probe into some transactions of the Rivers State Government undertaken during the tenure of our client has purportedly come up with a report based on which the Governor and Government of Rivers State have supposedly also issued a White Paper, wherein it has proposed that certain steps and actions should be taken against our client.
“Of course, this is clearly in defiance of the pending suit at the Court of Appeal on the issue.
“It is important to mention that our client only became aware of this situation through a news bulletin aired on both the Channels Television and the Independent African Television (AIT). Apart from those, no other form of communication has been sent to our client, whether directly or indirectly.
“As had been mentioned in our earlier letters, our client is challenging the competence and validity of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry and its powers to make any valid or binding decision or pronouncement as it relates to him.  The matter is pending at the Court of Appeal, Port Harcourt Division, in suit No. CA/PH/342/2015; Between Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi (claimant/appellant) and the Governor of Rivers State; Attorney General of Rivers State; Judicial Commission of Inquiry and 7 others (defendants/ respondents).
“On the 14th of July 2015, our client caused to be issued an originating summons against the Governor of Rivers State, the Attorney General of Rivers State, the Judicial Commission of Inquiry and 7 others before the High Court of Rivers State, presided over by Hon. Justice S.C. Amadi in suit No. PHC/189/2015 between Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi vs. The Governor Of Rivers State & 9 Others, wherein he challenged the competence and powers of the Hon. Justice G.O. Omereji Judicial Commission of Inquiry to carryout judicial function of investigating him and making pronouncements thereof, instead of the authorities established by law to do so. However, Hon Justice S.C. Amadi on the 20th of August 2015 dismissed the suit on very spurious and unjustifiable grounds. This led to the appeal referred to above.
“Much as we do not intend to canvas our arguments at the Court of Appeal before the Distinguish Senate, it is pertinent to highlight some salient provisions of the law and pronouncements of the Supreme Court of Nigeria on this issue and the rationale for our client’s challenge of the competence of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry.
“ The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is the grundnorm upon which every other law derives. Therefore, any law that is inconsistent with the Constitution is to the extent of the inconsistency void. Section 6 of the Constitution establishes the judicial powers of a state, which is vested in the courts, being courts established for a state pursuant to the Constitution. Section 272 of the Constitution provides for the jurisdiction of the High Court of a state, in this case, Rivers State. See the provisions of sections 1, 6, 36, 251 and 272 of the Constitution on the above propositions of the law.
“On the other hand, the summary of the provisions sections 7 (b-f), 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 and 21 of the Commission of Inquiry Law (Cap 30), Laws of Rivers State 1999 is to the effect that the commission under that law has the power to summon, issue warrants of arrest, impose fines, commit for contempt and summarily convict and impose terms of imprisonment. This is contrary to the express provisions of the constitution. These are obviously powers exercisable by the courts.
“This position of the law has been upheld and reaffirmed severally by the Supreme Court of Nigeria. In the case of Doherty V. Balewa (1961-1962) NSCC (page 248) at 257, lines 35-50, the Supreme Court in a similar situation with the instant case held as follows:
“The power of the commission to impose imprisonment is clearly contrary to the provisions of Section 20, and this was not disputed by the Attorney-General. This must also apply to the power to impose a fine, which is enforceable by imprisonment. In these circumstances, we would hold that Sections 8, 15 and 18 are invalid to the extent that they purport to empower a commissioner to inflict a punishment of a fine or imprisonment that the Sections should be ‘read down’ accordingly.”
Earlier in an October 9 letter to Saraki and the Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions (EW/GC/CRA/15/011), Amaechi said the petition against him by Integrity Group was heinous.
He said: Sir, following the receipt of the letter for and on behalf of the Distinguished Senate (Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions)which was graciously served on our client today (9th October, 2015) with a copy of the petition, accordingly inviting him to appear before the committee, we wish to furnish you and the committee with some further and better particulars, hence this letter.
“ We make bold to say that as grievous, heinous and worrisome as the contents of the petition may seem on the face value, it is as malicious, dubious and libelous as it is falsehood.
“As we had stated in our earlier letter, whereas our client is very desirous of defending himself of these allegations made against him, we are sincerely afraid that he is, in this case, constrained and unable to do so before the distinguished Senate at this moment. This is because the subject matter of the petition is subjudice, being issues pending and subsisting before courts of competent jurisdiction. The cases include:
  1.   Suit No: CA/PH/342/2015; Between Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi (claimant/ appellant) and the Governor of Rivers State; Attorney General of Rivers State; Judicial Commission of Inquiry and 7 others (defendants/respondents), pending at the Court of Appeal, Port Harcourt Division. (ANNEXURE 1)
  2.   Suit No: FCT/HC/CV/2677/15; between Advante Consulting & Mgt Co Ltd; Result Import Export Co Ltd; Capital Index Ltd (plaintiffs) and Livingstone Wechie (for and on behalf of the Integrity Group), The Sun Publishing Ltd, Leaders and Company Ltd and Guardian Newspapers Ltd (defendants), pending at the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. (ANNEXURE 2)
“Sir, at the Court of Appeal, our client is challenging the competence and validity of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry and its powers to make any valid or binding decision or pronouncement against him.
“The issues for determination before the Court of Appeal therefore relate and pertain to the ‘wrongful allegations of corruption and corrupt practices’ levelled against our clients and the unlawful and unconstitutional procedure adopted by his accusers and indicters (which in this case includes the Governor and Government of Rivers State, the Petitioner, Mr. Livingstone Wechie, and the Judicial Commission of Inquiry) in what may seem as an attempt at establishing the ‘purported wrongful doings’ against our client.
“On the 14th of July 2015, our client issued an originating summons against the Governor of Rivers State, the Attorney General of Rivers State, the Judicial Commission of Inquiry and 7 others before the High Court of Rivers State, presided over by Hon. Justice S.C. Amadi in suit No. PHC/189/2015 Between Tr. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi vs. The Governor of Rivers State & 9 others, wherein he challenged the competence and powers of the Hon. Justice G.O. Omereji Judicial Commission of Inquiry to carry out judicial functions of investigating him and making pronouncements thereof. However, Hon Justice S.C. Amadi on the 20th of August 2015 dismissed the suit on very spurious and unjustifiable grounds. This led to the appeal referred to above.
“  In suit No. FCT/HC/CV/2677/15 that is before the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, the issues relate directly and specifically to the contents and subject of this petition. The petitioner, Mr. Livingstone Wechie, between 3rd and 4th August, 2015, using the title ‘Looting of Rivers State Treasury’ caused to be published the same contents of this petition in some national newspapers (Thisday, The Guardian, Daily Sun, The Nation, etc), wherein he published that our client and Messers Advante Consulting &Mgt Co Ltd; Result Import Export Co. Ltd; Capital Index Ltd were involved in corrupt practices.
“He did, as in this present petition, also allege that the said companies were fraudulent and not registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). Aggrieved by the libelous publications, these juristic persons (the companies) approached the court to challenge the veracity of the contents and subject matter of this petition and to seek damages for libel against the petitioner for the falsehoods published and circulated against them and our client. Find attached the bundle of court processes; including Writ of Summons, Statement of Claim, Order for Substituted Service on Mr. Livingstone and other defendants, etc.
“Mr. President, this suit is still pending and subsisting at the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The court in order to come to the conclusion that the contents of that publication are false and libelous, for which damages should be paid must make findings and resolve some issues, including for instance:
  1.   whether or not our client was involved in any form of corrupt practices as alleged, be it stealing, unlawful enrichment and laundering of public funds through the plaintiffs in suit No: FCT/HC/CV/2677/15
  2.   whether or not the companies (Plaintiffs in suit No: FCT/HC/CV/2677/15) are registered with CAC, fake or authentic;
iii.    whether or not there are glaring cases of corruption, criminal breach of trust, unlawful enrichment and wanton conversion of funds as it relates to the transactions between the Rivers State Government under our client and the plaintiffs in suit No: FCT/HC/CV/2677/15.
  1. whether or not our client approved the sale of the Gas Turbines to NG Power-HPS Limited, and if he did, whether it was for the said amount and whether the proceeds were diverted by our client
  2. whether or not there was any transactions between the Rivers State Government under our client and the plaintiffs in suit No: FCT/HC/CV/2677/15, and if so, whether there was any corrupt practices in the said transactions.
“ Mr. President, we have no doubt that the Senate being an Arm of Government established under the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria verily appreciates the general principle of the rule of law, hence the invitation extended to our client to respond to the petition.
“Whereas we appreciate the commitment of the Senate to be fair and just, especially in offering our client an opportunity to state his side of the matter, however we need to state, and most regrettably too, that our client is unable to comment or respond in specific terms to the allegations contained in the said petition, as that would amount to commenting on the subject matter before the court of law.
“Sir, we are afraid that there is no way the distinguished Senate can effectively, successfully and conclusively investigate and determine the allegations in this petition without making findings, decisions and pronouncements, one way or another, on the issues listed below, which would be substantially the same issues that the court needs to resolve.
“Some of the issues that this Senate would have to resolve for instance will include:
  1.   whether or not our client was involved in any form of corrupt practices as alleged, be it stealing, unlawful enrichment and laundering of public funds through the Plaintiffs in suit No: FCT/HC/CV/2677/15;
  2.   whether or not the companies (plaintiffs in suit No: FCT/HC/CV/2677/15) are registered with CAC, fake or authentic;
iii.    whether or not there are glaring cases of corruption, criminal breach of trust, unlawful enrichment and wanton conversion of funds as it relates to the transactions between the Rivers State Government under our client and the plaintiffs in suit No: FCT/HC/CV/2677/15;
  1.   whether or not our client approved the sale of the Gas Turbines NG Power-HPS Limited, and if he did, whether it was for the said amount and whether the proceeds were diverted by our client;
  2.   whether or not there was any transactions between the Rivers State Government under our client and the plaintiffs in suit No: FCT/HC/CV/2677/15, and if so, whether there was any corrupt practices in the said transactions; and several others.
“Just as the general principle of law is that commentaries and other forms or outside-the-courtroom discussions should not be encouraged or engaged in relation to the subject matter of any judicial litigation, so as not to prejudice and prejudge a matter before a court, we have also realized that this distinguished Senate has not only adopted this principle of law, but has also made it a written code in its Rules and Standing Orders, which is the compass for the proceedings of the Senate.
“The Senate by so doing has debarred distinguished Senators from considering matters which are rightly or wrongly subjudice for the sake of ensuring the much-desired separation of powers and preventing possible loopholes that may exist or be created in an attempt at short-circuiting the process of justice and circumventing the stringent application of the laws of our land.
“Mr. President, needless to emphasise that it is one of the cardinal pillars of fair hearing that an accused person is presumed innocent until the contrary is proved. Again, this position is strengthened and reinforced by section 36 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as Amended) (hereafter simply referred as the Constitution).
“As our client has indicated, the allegations are not only false, they are also made mala fide with the intent to solely irritate, embarrass and tarnish the hard-earned reputation of our client and maliciously represent him as a person not fit and proper to occupy public office.
  1.   Sir, this intention is borne out clearly from the conduct and restless activities of the petitioner who has expressly stated in his petition to the Senate that he had written same petition to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offence Commission (ICPC), the two foremost institutions in the country vested with the authority to prosecute financial and corrupt practices related offences. Except to speculate that the petitioner has no confidence in both the EFCC and ICPC, one would have thought that the petitioner should have awaited the outcome of the investigation of his allegations by these institutions. He did not do so because he has one goal, one mission: to malign and discredit the person of our client before the Nigerian people.
“Mr. President, we wish to resist the temptation of delving into the subject matter so as not to fall foul of the law and prejudice the case before the court.
“ In the circumstances, we most respectfully urge the Senate to invoke its powers and the Rules and Standing Orders to protect our client from commenting on the subject matter of the petition and any issues relating to or arising from the judicial commission of injury and/or the purported White Paper issued thereto.”

UK no longer safe for looters – Minister

UK no longer safe for looters – Minister

The United Kingdom, UK, would no longer be a safe heavens for looters of African resources and treasury, the UK Minister for Africa and Department For International Development, (DFID), Rt Hon Grant Shapps has said.
Shapps said corruption, money laundering and culture of impunity have done incalculable damage to Africa development so much that the UK government has to protect the integrity of its financial system by exposing those who want to cart away the resources of the continent.
Consequently Rt Hon Shapps said the UK government would provide all the necessary support for the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari for taking the lead in fighting corruption in the continent.
Rt Hon Shapps made the remarks Tuesday at Government House, Kaduna, at the launch of a 100 million pounds public sector accountability and governance programme initiated by the UK government to support Nigeria in its development agenda.
“Corruption in Nigeria also affects the UK directly. Where we have evidence, we will continue to take action to protect the integrity of the UK’s financial system and prevent its use for money laundering purposes “, Rt Hon Shapps who was accompanied by top British Embassy officials including its High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr Paul Arkwright said.
He said the United Kingdom government was committed to assisting Nigeria in increasing its security, stability and prosperity by ensuring that the war against corruption which President Buhari is waging is given maximum support.
He assured that the UK government would further assist in building Nigeria’s vital institutions to fight corruption and insecurity, stressing that no efforts would be spared in bringing punitive measures against those who are bent on carting away the nation’s wealth.
Addressing the gathering which includes the representatives of Kano and Jigawa state governments, the Minister said: “Nigeria matters to the UK. The UK is fully committed to helping Nigeria increase its security, stability and prosperity. Tackling corruption is imperative to that. We share and support President Buhari’s stated commitment to rooting it out.
“We will continue to provide capacity building and technical and investigative support to Nigeria to tackle corruption and are scaling up this support”, noting that
“we have an opportunity now to develop a comprehensive partnership across these areas; I hope that we can work together to quickly drive this forward”.
While stressing on the 100 million pounds Public sector accountability and governance programme support by the British government, Shapps said that the programme, “first is to build institutions that are accountable and able to meet citizens needs.”
He also stated; “to enhance scrutiny of public expenditure through parliamentary oversight and citizen engagement to hold government to account; and thirdly, to increase evidence of what works and what does so officials and citizen can make informed decisions about government’s activities”.
Shapps argued that; “to fight poverty you need lots of things . You need to end conflict. You need to make sure medicines and health workers are there. You need to ensure people have food. You need to ensure you have jobs”.
“But for all these things to happen, you need to end corruption. You need to make sure that the money is used well. That public services reach citizens-including the poor. You need to ensure that you have an environment that allows businesses to invest their money and create jobs-without unnecessary red tape. You need public institutions that make it easy for citizens to access services without having to pay bribe”.
The British Minister however noted that; “none of this can happen where corruption is allowed to thrive”, adding, “Corruption is bad for development, bad for poor people and bad for business”.
“Corruption takes away public trust in public officials and government institutions. Corruption distorts competitive markets and lead to reallocation of resources. If not tackled, corruption on a grand scale, and those that practice it, will ultimately destroy Nigeria.”
He pledged that the British government will continue to close collaboration with Nigerian authorities to ensure that the menace is eradicated, while insisting that “this programme will help government to open up and be more transparent.”
Mr. Shapps further stressed that the British government will continue to expose those Nigerians that carted the nation’s resources away to its territory illegally as punitive measure will be taken against them.
He said: “corruption in Nigeria also affects the UK directly. Where we have evidence, we will continue to take action to protect the integrity of the UK’s financial system and prevent its use for money laundering purposes.
“We will continue to collaborate closely with Nigeria authorities on this. There will be no impunity on our side and we will take action fairly and promptly against anyone commitment criminal offences in areas under UK jurisdiction. Where assets are recovered, we will take them to Nigeria as soon as we can so they can be used for the proper benefit of Nigerian development.
“We will ensure that British businesses operating in Nigeria do so in full compliance with the provisions of the OECD anti-bribery convention and the UK Bribery Act. We are committed to rigorous enforcement and expect the highest standards of business integrity from British business operation in Nigeria. This is the only right for good business but also should heal Nigerian business and authorities clean up their acts and meet the highest standards of business integrity.”
In his remarks, Kaduna state Governor Malam Nasril El-Rufai lauded the British Minister and his entourage, saying that the coming of the Buhari’s government in Nigeria was a divine intervention to correct all the ills that had plagued the nation in the past.
El-Rufai also commended the British Government for its role in ensuring a peaceful election in Nigeria, saying the present government in Nigeria would not let the international community down on the issues of development in the country.
